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Modernisation Case Study


User Service (self-service user management and permission system)

The user service integrates two broad functions – authentication and authorisation. Amazon Cognito provides the user data store and authentication functionality. An implementation of a 3rd party package, Casbin, achieves the authorisation functionality through user- and system-defined policies. The user service takes the form of a web application, which provides the client-facing interface for authentication and authorisation. A framework like FastAPI would be used for this purpose to allow the combination of infrastructure and data to isolate tenants. See architecture diagram:


SaaS Lens review

The SaaS Lens is part of the AWS Well-Architected Framework and provides a standardised set of questions addressing design principles and best practices for SaaS applications on AWS. It will enable Ikue to review and improve their cloud-based architectures and beter understand the business impact of their design decisions. During the review general design principles are addressed as well as specific best practices and guidance in line with the 6 pillars of the Well-Architected Framework.

Software updates

Within the Discovery Report, a rundown of how they implement software updates are detailed along with a task list of how they can improve going forward. This list is intended to result in a separate, decoupled tenant provisioning process with respect to first time deployment of a tenant. The current structure Ikue have works well, they have automated the pipeline using a combination of Terraform scripts and GitHub actions, they separate the tenants via VPC’s and the deployment uses a blue green strategy to handle the swapping out of tasks which will ensure zero downtime. The solution is optimal for rolling out software updates but perhaps not for first time deployments of a tenant. Refactoring the code and GitHub Actions will provide them with a separate, decoupled tenant provisioning process with respect to the first time deployment of a tenant. Doing so can mean a frictionless onboarding process for new tenants which is a core principle for a SaaS offering.

The results

Rebura provided Ikue with a SaaS Discovery Report detailing a prioritised list of tasks addressing the items outlined in the requirements for Tenant Isolation and Routing, User Service, SaaS Architecture Review and Software Application Updates.

The first two of these projects are strongly focused on the challenge of tenant and user management – identity and access, multi-tenant storage, tenant isolation. The User Service project also has ramifications to agility and operations – because of its role in onboarding users to the platform. The SaaS Architecture Review and Software Application Updates seek to improve the composition of Ikue’s SaaS product and address the DevOps challenges associated with Ikue’s siloed tenancy model.

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